Purpose: The purpose of the study was to find out the Factors Influencing Therapeutic Outcomes of Patients with Adhesive Capsulitis. Objectives: To identify possible factors influencing therapeutic outcomes of patients with adhesive capsulitis. Methodology: This study aimed to identify possible factors influencing therapeutic outcomes of patients with adhesive capsulitis. For this reason, a quantitative research model in the form of a cross sectional type survey design was used. Cross sectional studies (also called a prevalence survey) aim at describing and quantifying the distribution of certain variables in a study population at point of time. It provides a snapshot of the health experience of a population at a given time (Hannan et al. 2007). I used this method so that the aim and objectives of the study can be fulfilled. Ethical permission was obtained from Institutional Review Board (IRB) and written informed consent was obtained from all participants. A descriptive type of cross-sectional study of 72 participants was conducted. The study was conducted by using quantitative descriptive analysis through using SPSS software 22.0 version. Results: A total number of 72 participants were recruited in the study. In ratio, the male participants were about female 60% and male were about 40%. Female are more affected than male. Pain was severe among the participants and thats why most of the patients general health was fair and assistance was required for their daily activity. There was association of the past medical history with the duration of receiving treatment is (p=0.081) which is influenced the treatment. There was no correlation between age and functioning ability (p=0.454) which indicated that Adhesive Capsulitis might be main contributor for limiting physical functioning. Conclusion: This study has shown that patients with Adhesive Capsulitis have poor functioning ability pertaining to the physical health component as well as mental health component but physical function was more limited. So, treatments should be emphasized in physical function.
Key words: Therapeutic Outcomes, Factors Influencing, Adhesive capsulitis.
This dissertation is submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of Bachelor of Science in Physiotherapy, Bangladesh Health Professions Institute, Faculty of Medicine, the University of Dhaka, Bangladesh.