Purpose: To explore the characteristics of mechanical low back pain among the
patients attending at the centre for the rehabilitation of the paralyzed (CRP).Objective:
To explore the characteristics in the fields of socio-demographic, lifestyle related and
work and posture related perspectives and their relationship with mechanical low
back pain. Methodology: A cross sectional study was conducted with a structured and
close ended interviewer administered questionnaire to collect information from 87
mechanical low back pain patients in respects through purposive sampling procedure.
Data was numerically coded and captured in Microsoft excel, using an SPSS 16.0
version software program. Result: this study was found that, this survey showed
female participants about 56.36% are most affected and its contributory portion were housewives about 46.0% ,low socio economic condition revealed as low income about 39% and the prevalence of rural people about 43%, didn't regular physical
exercise about 68%,higher body mass index expressed as obesed people about
35.6%,maintaining prolong sitting posture about 87.4% ,bending posture about
64%,squatting posture about 54.0% , employment period less than 12 hour about
51.7%,previous back injury about 51.7%,direct traumatic history about 48.3%
including lower performing postures were lifting or twisting. Conclusion: This results of the current study indicates that higher prevalence of low back pain can be isolated
by detecting the characteristics percentage among peoples in Bangladesh. This study
can form a baseline for the physiotherapy services provision for the patient with low
back pain.