Purpose: The aim of the study was to explore the pain characteristics among the knee
osteoarthritis patients, attended at CRP. Objectives: to determine the age range of the
patients; to identify the gender distribution and occupation of the Participants
; to explore the severity of pain at resting position; to determine the number of
involvement of knee joint with OA; to evaluate the type of ROM of knee; correlation
between age group and severity of pain; gender distribution and severity of pain and
also association between gender distribution and pain during stairing, pain during
rising from sitting and ROM of knee cross tabulation; have any pain during rising
from sitting among the patients; any difficulty during walking and felt any pain during
ascending and descending stairing, during squatting. Methodology: A quantitative
cross-sectional study design was chosen to accomplish the objectives of the study. 50
samples were selected through purposive sampling technique from the
musculoskeletal department of CRP. A structural questionnaire was used for
collecting data from the participants. Data was numerically coded and analyzed
statistically with the software named (SPSS) Version 16.0.Results:The study was
conducted on 50 participants of knee osteoarthritis. Participants n= 7 (14%) in (>60
years) age group, n= 43 (86%) in (<60 years) age group. Also demonstrated that n=35
(70%) female were more responded than where as n=15 (30%) were male by knee
OA. Among the participants affected by knee OA, n=20 (40.00%) was involved by
right knee OA, n=12 (24%) was involved by left knee OA and n=18 (36%) patients
was involved by both knee OA. Among the participants, n=5 (10%) patients felt mild
knee pain, n=31 (62%) felt moderate knee pain and n=14 (28%) felt severe knee pain
at resting position. The patients, n=25 (50%) patients knee ROM had presented full
ROM, n=4 (8%) patients had restricted ROM at knee and patients, n=21 (42%) knee
ROM had limited. Among the participants, n=46 (92%) patients felt pain during rising
from sitting and n=4 (8%) patients did not felt pain during rising from sitting, 98%
patients felt difficulty in walking. Patients experienced, 100% patients felt pain during
stairing and more pain in squatting position. Patient experienced locking at knee joint
that’s had past history of trauma at knee joint; leg external rotation etc. Conclusion:
The vulnerable age range to develop OA knee is over 40 and females are more
prevalent than males. Pain is the common symptom of knee OA, if the patients
receive physiotherapy and maintain therapeutic home exercises and aware about
aggravating factors, then may minimize and control the symptoms of knee OA and the
pain contributing factors and improve the quality of life.