Title: Satisfaction of parents of child with physical disability about physiotherapy Home exercise program.
The aim of the study is to find the satisfaction of parents about the home exercise program. The objective of the study is to investigate the satisfaction of physiotherapy home program among the parents of children with disability. The study is conducted by using qualitative approach focus on specific individuals, rather than group of types of individuals. 10 sample were selected using a purposive sampling technique in accordance with inclusion and exclusion criteria. Data was collected by using the Bengali version questionnaire through face to face interview with the participants. As parents are the most significant part of a child’s life so their satisfaction level is most important for the service provider. Parents believed practice of home program activities was a part of life, to maximize progress, gain guidance, and manage time. Home programs provided benefits including support, realism, flexibility, motivation, generalizable activities, practice reminders, progress updates, and role clarification. In this study the result shows that the parent’s satisfaction 80% cases are positive and 20% cases are negative. 80% parents satisfied about the home exercise program but 20% shows much cause. Here is a problem some participants did not identify the physiotherapy and Occupational therapy due to overlapping or physiotherapist and Occupational therapist not discussed to the parents about their own activities or treatment procedure. Parents used these programs to help parent their child.
Keywords: Cerebral palsy, parent’s satisfaction about home program, improvement of home exercise program.