Introduction: Disability can be referred as a psychological or physical destruction which usually have considerable and enduring negative way of doing usual daily activities of their life. The substantial and psychological impairments have been included here. In all over the world more than 650 million people represents any short of disabilities. Additionally, this figure of number in future is estimated to be increased, which may result a huge number of old age citizen as a growing proportion in the overall population. In the report of European union It is found that around 800 crores people are suffering from some sort of incapability which can be mild, moderate or severe that create inaccessibility in participating in social and economic activities due to some other barriers which is associated with disability, for example attitude towards disabled people or environment where they live Purpose: The main purpose of the study is to compare the level of self-efficacy and job satisfaction in people with disabilities in between self-employed and paidemployed. Objectives: i. To compare self-efficacy level between two groups, ii. To compare job satisfaction level between two groups, iii. To find out the socio demographic characteristics of two groups. Methodology: This study is a comparative cross-sectional design research. 50 self- employed PWDs and 50 paid employed PWDs were purposively selected as the inclusion and exclusion criteria and then assigned in Group 1 and Group 2. Result: In level of self-efficacy there are significant difference (p is less than .005) in between Self-employed and paid employed group. And in level of Job Satisfaction there does not have significant difference in between 2 groups. This result is valid for this group of people not for the whole population as it does not represent the whole population.
Key words: Self-efficacy, Job satisfaction, Paid employed PWDs, Self-employed PWDs.
A thesis is submitted to the SSARC Regional Interprofessional Master’s Program in Rehabilitation Science of Centre for the Rehabilitation of the Paralysed (CRP) in conformity with the requirements for the Degree of M.Sc. in Rehabilitation Science, Bangladesh Health Professions Institute, Faculty of Medicine, the University of Dhaka, Bangladesh: