Mostly regarding the reproductive health in the third world the adolescents are not
aware of it. The present study evaluate the knowledge ofadolescent regarding their RH
that how much they know about it. The study assess about adolescent perceptioq
attitude regarding RH, besides to see the facilities available in respect to the awareness
of adolescent regarding RH'
The essential needed information is accumulated from the few selected university
students, along this specific recommendation and suggestion determined to enhance the
level of awareness in the adolescent and youngster regarding their RH'
The term adolescence is currently considered as 2nd phase of human life that make
psychological and bodily physical changes that takes place' There is very less
researches have been conducted to see the knowledge, perception behaviour and
attitude of adolescents in the country, Afghanistan the main specific issues that is
related to reproductive health of adolescent. There are many steleotypical aspects of
reproductive health which is mainly concemed and leading to the negative practice of
health care, which is causing the adolescent to b€ more prone to risk ofhealth'
The current research study is regarding the various aspects such as approach'
knowledge, requirements, attitude, belief, perception and awareness' beside all these
the role of father and mother, instructors as well as the means of collection of
information regarding the reproductive health ofthe adolescence'
Now that Afghanistan is having the huge population ofadolescents' as history recorded'
approximately Afghanistan current estimated population is 36'37 million in current
survey conducted in 2018 that showed in the most latest United Nation report' Nearly
the population of quarter is in between 10 and 14 ofthe age' The currenl report ofthe
population of 40.9270 which male is 7'093'980 in meanwhile female is 6'869'737 is of
population in total'
A thesis is submitted to the SSARC Regional Interprofessional Master’s Program in Rehabilitation Science of Centre for the Rehabilitation of the Paralysed (CRP) in conformity with the requirements for the Degree of M.Sc. in Rehabilitation Science, Bangladesh Health Professions Institute, Faculty of Medicine, the University of Dhaka, Bangladesh: