Background: Wheelchair has become an important part of people with Spinal Cord
Injury. Most of Spinal Cord Injury people depend on manual wheelchair for community
mobility and participate in daily living activities. Wheelchair skills training are provided
as a part of community re-integration process for people with spinal cord injury.
Occupational therapist has a significant role along with other professionals in wheelchair
skills training program. However manual wheelchair users needed to wheelchair skills
capacity, confidence for better performance in the community mobility and daily living
activities. The purpose of the study is find out the level of wheelchair skills capacity,
confidence, performance and associate demographic factors of people with SCI in
selected community.
Objectives: The objectives are to find out the level of wheelchair skills capacity,
confidence, and performance of persons with SCI, to gather the socio-demographic
information of wheelchair users with SCI people, to determine compare between level of
injury, sex and wheelchair skills capacity, confidence, performance, to find the
association between socio-demographic factor (age, causes of injury, pressure sore,
duration of a wheelchair use) and wheelchair skills capacity, confidence, performance, to
determine the correlation between wheelchair skills capacity among the wheelchair skills
confidence and performance.
Methodology: The descriptive cross-sectional study was carried out in the three
communities of Bangladesh using WST-Q version 4.3. 90 manual wheelchair users
selected purposively from the community. Non-parametric test was used to determine the
correlation among wheelchair skills capacity, confidence, performance and association
between the demographic factors.
Result: The WST-Q capacity, confidence and performance level was good of the
manual wheelchair users in the community. The median values for WST-Q capacity,
WST-Q confidence, and WST-Q performance were 74.26% (57.02%-78.78%), 75.75%
(66.66%-80.01%), and 72.00% (54.54%-76.47%). The mean age of the wheelchair users
was 35 years, standard deviation was 12. 89% participants were male and 11% were
female. Most of the participants were paraplegia 70% traumatic 93%, married 62%,
Secondary School Certificate 51%, small business 36%. The level of median WST-Q
Capacity, WST-Q Confidence and WST-Q Performance among the male and female
were 75% (55.92%-78.78%), 75.75% (66.66%-81.81%), 72.005% (52.21%-76.47%) and
71.65% (64.33%-72.27%), 72.72% (64.70%-78.78%), 71.65% (64.50%-76.48%). There
are significant P<.537, P<.315, and P<.939. The median levels of WST-Q Capacity,
WST-Q Confidence and WST-Q Performance among the tetraplegia and paraplegia were
25.75% (8.82%-55.88%), 32.35% (15.15%-72.72%), 26.51% (15.15%-55.30%) and
76.47% (72.05%-80.30%), 81.81% (78.78%-88.23%), 75% (70.45%-78.30%). Here the
significant were P<.000, P<.000, and P<.000. The total WST-Q capacity, confidence,
performance scores were not significantly association with age, causes of injury, pressure
sore, duration of a wheelchair use. The total WST-Q capacity scores significantly
correlated with total WST-Q confidence scores (r=.95; P<.000) and total WST-Q
capacity scores significantly correlated with the total WST-Q performance scores (r=.88;
Conclusion: Many people with SCI are unable to do perform some of the wheelchair
skills that would allow them to participate more fully. More intensive wheelchair skills
training may improve the wheelchair skills capacity, confidence and performance that
will enhance the participation, community mobility and quality of life.
Key word: Spinal cord injury, Manual Wheelchair, Capacity, Performance,
This dissertation is submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of Bachelor of Science in Occupational therapy, Bangladesh Health Professions Institute, Faculty of Medicine, the University of Dhaka, Bangladesh