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Characteristics of musculoskeletal complaints among students using digital devices for online classes

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dc.contributor.author Mojumder, Imam Mehedi Hasan
dc.date.accessioned 2022-08-10T04:25:01Z
dc.date.available 2022-08-10T04:25:01Z
dc.date.issued 2020-08-19
dc.identifier.citation Includes bibliographical references (page 45-50) en_US
dc.identifier.uri http://hdl.handle.net/123456789/807
dc.description This dissertation is submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of Bachelor of Science in Physiotherapy, Bangladesh Health Professions Institute, Faculty of Medicine, the University of Dhaka, Bangladesh. en_US
dc.description.abstract Purpose: The purpose of the study was to determine the characteristics of musculoskeletal complaints among undergraduate students using digital devices for online classes. Objectives: The study objective was to demonstrate the sociodemographic characteristics related to musculoskeletal complain, to examine the prevalence of musculoskeletal complain, to determine the relationship between pain intensity and site of pain with related independent variables. Methodology: The dissertation was an observational study with a cross-sectional study design. From June 2021 to September 2021, a total of 239 university students responded to the online survey. Inclusion criteria were age group between 18-26 years, any existing congenital disability, and existing musculoskeletal complaint more than 1.5 years. Participants were selected by snowball sampling. All data were collected through an online semi-structured questionnaire having socio-demographic, physical factors, home or environment-related factors, and pain as the musculoskeletal complaint in the VAS scale and characteristics of pain distribution. A statistical test has been conducted as per the distribution of data. Descriptive statistics were performed by mean, SD, frequency, and percentage. Inferential statistics has been performed by Chi-square, independent t-test, One way ANOVA, and Pearson correlation test. Binary logistic regression has been performed as predictor variables as pain (absent/present), pain intensity & site of pain. Here Alpha (α) value has been set as <0.05. Results: Among the respondents, 239 students took part in this study. Mean & SD of overall age was 21.41±1.56 BMI was 22.62±3.76. The prevalence of musculoskeletal pain was found to be 78.25 percent (n=187). Where 42.8 percent (n=80) were male and 57.2 percent (n=107) females had musculoskeletal pain. Female participants experienced more musculoskeletal pain than male participants. 26.7 percent had neck pain, 9.6 percent had shoulder pain, 4.8 percent had elbow pain, 4.3 percent had wrist pain, 17.1 percent had thoracic pain, 32.6 percent had lumbar pain, 3.2 percent had knee pain, and 1.6 percent had ankle pain. Participants claimed that their prolonged online time was to blame for their various sites of pain. Association found between feel during online class with pain present/absent; Physical activity level, Follow posture during online class, using an electronic device during online class, using electronic device except for online classes with pain intensity. v Binary regression has been found that-feel during online class (OR=2.049), linear relationship between feeling uncomfortable with pain present. Physical activity level (OR=1.210), follow posture during online class (OR=1.877), Using electronic device during online class (OR=1.640); the linear relationship between physical activity level, follow posture, Using electronic device during online class with pain intensity. Using electronic devices except for online classes (β=-.015), the reverse relationship between using electronic devices except for online classes with pain intensity was related to musculoskeletal complaints. Conclusion: Most of the participants are suffering musculoskeletal complaints due to using digital devices in online classes. Keywords: Musculoskeletal complaint, online class, University student, Pandemic situation (Covid-19). en_US
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.publisher Bangladesh Health Professions Institute, Faculty of Medicine, the University of Dhaka, Bangladesh en_US
dc.subject Musculoskeletal complaint en_US
dc.subject Online class en_US
dc.subject University student en_US
dc.subject Pandemic situation (Covid-19). en_US
dc.title Characteristics of musculoskeletal complaints among students using digital devices for online classes en_US
dc.type Thesis en_US

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