Purpose: Diabetes mellitus is associated with a variety of musculoskeletal problems. In
Bangladesh many diabetic mellitus patients are suffering different complications
including musculoskeletal problems. This study represents the Characteristics of
Musculoskeletal Complains among Type-2 Diabetic patients. Objective: This study was
aimed to find out the common musculoskeletal complains among diabetic mellitus
patient, to know the association of the musculoskeletal complain, behavioural risk
factors, treatment compliance with diabetes, to determine the socio demographic
characteristics of the study population. Methodology: A descriptive type of cross
sectional study of 115 participants was conducted. The sample was selected by using
purposive sampling technique. Data was collected from the participants through face to
face interview. Descriptive statistics was used for data analysis. Results: More than half
of the participants 61.7% (71) were female and highest number participants, 40.9% (47)
were in the age range of 41-50 years. Nearly half of the participants had primary level of
education 21.7% (25) followed by 13.9% (16) uneducated. More than half of the
participant 55.7% (64) diabetes onset from 0-5 years and 63.5% (73) of participants has
controlled diabetes. Most of the participants complain that they have pain in any part of the body and 83.5% (96) suffering this pain from 0-2 years. Among the participants
39.1% (45) have back pain, 37.4% (43) found those were suffering pains in knee, and
28.7% (33) have shoulder pain. Conclusion: This study helps to establish a collaborative
treatment approach for diabetes mellitus patients and improve the referral system to
physiotherapy services in Bangladesh.